We believe it's important to get your safe information from a Safe Locksmith or key and locksmith.
One of the most important things in protecting your valuables that both a floor safe and wall safe are unrivaled at is concealment. It’s difficult to steal from a safe that you can’t find. It’s easy to put a rug or couch over your floor safe and let its location remain a mystery for possible intruders.
In addition to being concealed there are some additional security perks to a floor safe. Generally, your floor safe is going to be encased in concrete which means that it will be very difficult to remove in a timely manner and that it limits the attempted burglary to front door access only. Unfortunately for the burglar the front of a safe is usually the strongest part and will pose a great difficulty for unwanted entry.
Your floor safe is going to be extra fire resistance by virtue of it being encased in concrete. Additionally, it has little to no risk of impact damage because it will only be on the ground floor and won’t have anywhere to fall.
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